Confidentiality Policy

What happens if I talk to you about private things?

Anything you tell your worker is private and will not be passed on to anyone else outside of 42nd Street – this includes parents, carers or other workers – unless you tell us it's OK or the situations below come up.

Sometimes workers share things you tell them with colleagues within 42nd Street to make sure we can help you in the best way possible, though this only ever happens on a "need to know" basis.

The only times when we would be compelled to share information or attempt to get in touch with you outside of the platform would be if:

  • We are worried you may be in danger of seriously hurting either yourself or someone else
  • You tell us that someone may be hurting you, or may be hurting someone else
  • If we haven't heard from you in a while and are concerned about something, we may also send a text message to let you know you have an unread message on the platform.

We'll always try to reach you on this platform first (and send a text notification of this if you've agreed to receive them). You'll also get an e-mail to let you know when you have a message (these sometimes go to junkmail - you can add onlineteam@42ndstreet.org.uk to your safe senders list to stop this happening).

You can read our full confidentiality policy HERE and our data policy HERE

What do you do with my information?

We have to store some personal information about you to make sure we can keep in touch with you and understand what your needs are.

This can include basic contact information, such as your address or email, general information such as age, gender, ethnicity and sexuality (though you can choose whether you wish to share these with us). We will also keep information such as wellbeing questionnaires and worker's notes to make sure we are best placed to meet your needs.

All this information is secure and held in a database, only seen by 42nd Street workers.

read our full policy HERE

Can I see my information?

Yes, you can ask to see what information we hold on you at any time, by simply asking your counsellor or therapist.

Alternatively, e-mail onlineteam@42ndstreet.org.uk or send a written request to 42nd Street, the SPACE, 87-91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester M4 5AG.

Is working online secure?

We will always make sure any information we hold on you is secure and safe in our database; however, it is worth thinking about what equipment you are using to access the website.

Sometimes public PCs, in places such as libraries, schools or colleges, have monitoring software installed that might compromise your confidentiality. You can speak to the owner of the equipment to check this, or contact us via your own device.

You can also use the "exit site" button to leave the page you are on at any time.

How do I make a complaint if I have to?

If you are ever unhappy about something 42nd Street has done or the service you've received, you can always talk to your worker about it. If that doesn't work or you're not comfortable doing that you can tell us about your experience in a number of ways:

  • Use the "I want to give feedback" button on the homepage
  • E-mail us at onlineteam@42ndstreet.org.uk
  • Contact us in writing at 42nd Street, the SPACE, 87-91 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester M4 5AG. If you wish, you can send your complaint directly for the attention of our Chief Executive.

If we receive a complaint from you, we promise to:

  • Reply within 3 working days to let you know that it has been received
  • Ensure that a senior manager looks into the complaint
  • Have our Chief Executive write to or meet with you within 28 days of receiving the complaint.